I Don’t Like My Seat

Is it possible for the visiting team to change the location of their bench based on the argument it’s located too far away from the scorer’s table, as compared to the home team’s bench?

You are the Referee on a game, and while you are checking the score book, the visiting coach approaches you and complains about the location of his/her team’s bench.

If this is a late-round scholastic playoff game, it may be your first time in the gym; or it might be a facility you have officiated in numerous times and never really took notice of the exact locations of the benches.

But a quick glance at the designated areas for both squads, and you can clearly see the validity of the visiting coach’s complaint.

The home team’s head coach can literally touch the scorer’s table from their seat; and the visiting head coach’s seat is approximately 15 feet away from the table and is separated by a partition which partially blocks the visiting team’s view of the table.

With seemingly split-second decisions being made on critical substitutions, the longer distance for players to hustle to the scorer’s table to be ready to be beckoned onto the floor by an official puts the visiting team at a distinct disadvantage, is a reasonable argument to make.

As the Referee, what are you going to do?

As the Referee on the game you’re not going to do anything but listen respectfully to the coach’s complaint.

Except for matters involving player safety, the officials have no authority to move the location of either bench, no matter how seemingly unfair the placement of the seating area appears to be for the visiting team.

It is the responsibility of the game or home management for determining the location of the team benches.

So unless the visiting team coach can make a compelling argument that the location of his/her team bench creates a safety issue for the players and the coaching staff, the coach must accept the bench designation location of the decision-makers in charge of hosting the game.

Clearly, those in charge will almost certainly have both team benches on floor-level seats or bleachers and that both benches will be approximately the same distance from the scorer’s table whenever possible.

But the bottom line (and perhaps the good news) is, that it is not the job of the officials to adjudicate the matter of bench placement, unless the location involves player safety.

And lastly, if you do come across a situation where the visiting team bench is located in an area that clearly creates a distinct disadvantage for them in being able to report quickly to the table, or obstructing their view the game, the Referee should report this situation to their Assignor and the matter should be moved up the chain of command to the state association office.

 Rules Reference
 NFHS Casebook 1.13.1 

About the Author

4 thoughts on "I Don’t Like My Seat"

  1. I understand that by rule officials can’t have the benches moved. That being said I would highly recommend to the home team and/or game management to try and have both benches equal distance from the table. The location of the benches has an impact on the coaches box and the time-out area and substitutes. If adjustment can’t be made I would allow the visiting team the appropriate latitude with the coaches box, substitutes and time-out area.

  2. What if the home team is set up outside the coaches box? I’m telling them if three coach wants use of his box, he’ll move his team down the line our Jens not using it. If he stands he’s violating his coaching box

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